Công thức although

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Tổng hợp kiến thức cấu trúc although cần nhớ

Cấu trúc Although, Though, Even though

Cách dùng: Cấu trúc Although, though, even though đều mang ý nghĩa là “cho dù”, được dùng như một liên từ để kết nối hai mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ. Vì vậy bạn có thể sử dụng linh hoạt các từ nối đó để giúp bài viết tiếng anh thêm phong phú.

Vị trí: Thường đứng ở đầu câu hoặc giữa hai mệnh đề. Ở mỗi vị trí khác nhau, chúng đem một sắc thái khác nhau và cấu trúc khác nhau. Để giúp câu nó có thêm phần trang trọng hơn thì although, though, even though thường đứng đầu câu. Và đứng giữa câu khi nhấn mạnh sự tương phản giữa hai mạnh đề.

► Although/ though/ even though + S + V…., S + V

Bạn đang xem: Công thức although

Ví dụ:

  • Although it rained yesterday, they went camping.

(Cho dù hôm qua trời mưa nhưng họ vẫn đi cắm trại.)

  • Even though he stayed up late to do his homework last night, he gets up early to do morning exercises today.

(Mặc dù anh ấy đi ngủ muộn để làm bài tập về nhà vào tối qua, nhưng anh ấy vẫn dậy sớm để tập thể dục vào hôm nay.)

  • She still offered to help though she hasn’t really got the time.

(Cô ấy vẫn tỏ ý muốn giúp đỡ mặc dù cô ấy thực sự không có thời gian)

Lưu ý:

  • Khi although/ though/ even though đứng đầu câu thì ta phải sử dụng dấu phải ngăn cách hai câu. Còn khi chúng đứng giữa câu thì không cần có dấu phẩy.
  • Although/ though/ even though có nghĩa giống nhau nhưng mỗi từ biểu đạt sắc thái khác nhau và ngữ cảnh sử dụng khác nhau:

+ Even though được dùng để diễn tả sự tương phản mạnh mẽ hơn so với Although và Though

Ví dụ:    Even though she usually tells lies, many people believe her.

(Mặc dù chị ta thường xuyên nói dối nhưng nhiều người lại tin tưởng chị ta)

+ Trong văn viết chúng ta nên sử dụng although biểu thị sắc thái trang trọng. Còn dùng though trong văn nói khi biểu thị thái độ không trang trọng hoặc thân mật. Và trong nhiều trường hợp, though thường đứng cuối câu.

Ví dụ:

Although the weather was bad, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

(Mặc dù thời tiết xấu nhưng chúng tôi vẫn có một kì nghỉ tuyệt vời với nhiều hoạt động thú vị)

I didn’t get a job though I had all the necessary qualification.

(Tôi không có việc làm mặc dù tôi có đầy đủ bằng cấp cần thiết)

Theo sau là 1 mệnh đề có chủ ngữ và động từ

Although/ though/ even though + S + V (chia theo thì thích hợp)

Ví dụ:

She walked home by herself although she knew that it was dangerous.

⟹ Cô ấy đi về nhà một mình mặc dù cô biết như vậy rất nguy hiểm.

He decided to go though I begged him not to.

⟹ Anh ấy đã quyết định đi, mặc dù tôi tha thiết mong anh ở lại.

She’ll be coming tonight even though I don’t know exactly when.

⟹ Cô ấy sẽ tới vào tối nay, mặc dù tôi không biết chính xác thời gian.

Có thể đứng ở đầu câu hoặc giữa hai mệnh đề

Ví dụ:

Although/ though/ even though she hasn’t really got the time, she still offered to help.

hoặc She still offered to help although/ though/ even though she hasn’t really got the time.

⟹ Mặc dù không thực sự có thời gian, cô ấy vẫn tỏ ý muốn giúp đỡ.

Chú ý

➤ Khi đảo Although/ Though/ Even though lên đứng đầu câu, ta phải sử dụng dấu phẩy sau mệnh đề chính. Ngược lại nếu đứng ở giữa câu thì không cần dấu phẩy.

➤ Mặc dù có nghĩa hoàn toàn giống nhau và có thể thay thế cho nhau nhưng sắc thái biểu đạt và ngữ cảnh sử dụng của 3 từ này lại có phần khác nhau.

  • Although thường được sử dụng nhiều trong văn viết, với sắc thái trang trọng (formal) còn Though lại được sử dụng phổ biến trong văn nói, với sắc thái informal. Và trong đa số trường hợp, Though thường đứng cuối câu.

Ví dụ:

It was raining. We decided to go fishing though.

⟹ Trời đang mưa nhưng chúng tôi vẫn quyết định đi câu cá.

  • Even though được dùng để diễn tả sự tương phản mạnh mẽ hơn so với Although và Though.

Ví dụ:

Even though it was raining, we decided to go fishing.

➤ Trong văn nói văn viết trang trọng, chúng ta còn có thể sử dụng mệnh đề rút gọn với Although và Though để giới thiệu mệnh đề sau mà không cần động từ.

Ví dụ:

Peter, although working harder this term, still needs to put more work into mathematics.

Raymond, although very interested, didn’t show any emotion when she invited him to go for a walk.

Though more expensive, the new car model is safer and more efficient.

➤ Trong một số trường hợp Though/ Although có thể mang nghĩa giống “but” và “however” (nhưng, tuy nhiên).

Các cấu trúc đồng nghĩa với although: Despite và In spite of

Cách dùng: Hai từ này cũng được dùng để chỉ sự đối lập giữa hai mệnh đề, thường được sử dụng phổ biến trong văn nói và despite mang sắc thái trang trọng hơn in spite of.

► Despite/ In spite of + N/ phrase/ V-ing

Ví dụ:

  • Despite being out of money, she went shopping.

(Mặc dù hết tiền nhưng chị ấy vẫn đi mua sắm)

  • In spite of his experience in machinery, he couldn’t repair the machine in our office.

(Mặc dù có kinh nghiệm sửa chữa máy móc, nhưng anh ấy không thể sửa được thiết bị ở văn phòng chúng tôi)

► Cấu trúc despite, in spite of  đi với mệnh đề

Công thức: Despite/ In spite of the fact that + S + V

Ví dụ:

  • Despite the fact that he hasn’t kept his promise many times, she still believes him.

(Mặc dù anh ấy không giữ lời hứa nhiều lần nhưng chị ta vẫn tin tưởng anh ấy)

Chuyển đổi câu giữa Although và Despite

Nguyên tắc chung khi biến đổi câu giữa Although và Despite là:

  • Although/ though + mệnh đề
  • Despite / in spite of + cụm từ

Dưới đây là một số cách biến đổi từ mệnh đề sang cụm từ

Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ + be + tính từ

Trong trường hợp này, ta đem tính từ đặt trước danh từ và bỏ động từ to be

Although + S + V => In spite of/ despite + a/an/ the + ADJ + N

Ví du:

  • Although the rain is heavy, she still goes to work. 

=> Despite the heavy rain, she still goes to work

(Mặc dù trời mưa nhưng cô ấy vẫn đi làm.)

  • Although the shirt was beautiful, she didn’t buy it because she ran out of money.

=> In spite of the beautiful shirt, she didn’t buy it because she ran out of money.

(Mặc dù chiếc áo rất đẹp nhưng cô ấy không mua vì hết tiền.)

Nếu chủ ngữ 2 mệnh đề giống nhau

Khi chủ ngữ của 2 mệnh đề giống nhau, ta bỏ chủ ngữ ,động từ thêm “ing” .

Ví dụ:

  • Although she was ill, she still went to school 

=>  Despite being ill, he still went to school.

(Mặc dù ốm nhưng cô ấy vẫn tới trường)

  • Although he is poor, he is still playful.

=>In spite of being poor, he is still playful.

(Dù nghèo khó nhưng vẫn ham chơi.)

Nếu chủ từ là đại từ + be + tính từ 

Ta biến đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, đổi tính từ thành danh từ và lược bỏ be 

Ví dụ: 

  • Although he was sick, he still played volleyball.

=> Despite his sickness, he still played volleyball.

(Mặc dù ốm, anh ấy vẫn chơi bóng chuyền)

  • Although he is fine, he can still get sick.

=> In Spite of his fineness, he can still get sick.

(Mặc dù anh ấy khỏe nhưng anh ấy vẫn có thể bị ốm)

Lưu ý: Cách chuyển đổi này có thể áp dụng với cấu trúc Because => Because of

Phân biệt “although” với “but”

Mặc dù cùng mang nghĩa “nhưng”, nhưng “although” và “but” lại có sự khác biệt rõ nét về chức năng và cấu trúc trong câu. Khi cùng là liên từ, chúng khác nhau ở:

1. “Although” có thể đứng đầu hoặc giữa câu

Khi câu có hai mệnh đề (cụm S – V), “although” có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc giữa câu.
Trái lại, “but” luôn đứng giữa hai mệnh đề.

Ví dụ:

Even though you might not remember me, I like you. hoặc I like you even though you might not know me
Tôi thích cậu dù cậu có thể không nhớ tôi là ai.

I don’t know who you are, but I’ll find you.
Tôi không biết ông là ai, nhưng tôi sẽ tìm ông.

2. “Although” dùng để nối hai mệnh đề chính phụ

Hai mệnh đề trong câu chứa “but” có chức năng ngang hàng nhau, không có ý nhấn mạnh. Khi bỏ “but”, chúng ta có hai câu tách biệt độc lập.

Ví dụ:

I’m sick but I saw something really interesting today.
Nay em bị ốm mà em gặp chuyện này hay cực.

Hai vế trong câu này có độ quan trọng như nhau. Chính vì thế, anh nào mà chỉ quan tâm đến vế “something really interesting” mà quên vế “I’m sick” thì bị người yêu dỗi cũng đừng có than!

Trái lại, “although” nối mệnh đề kém quan trọng với mệnh đề quan trọng hơn. Khi câu văn sử dụng “although”, người đọc hiểu được vế nào được nhấn mạnh và sẽ được phát triển tiếp. Khi bỏ “although”, câu mất đi ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh.

Chính bởi vậy, bạn hãy sử dụng “although” trong văn viết, đặc biệt là bài viết học thuật. Việc dùng “although” sẽ giúp bạn:

 Thể hiện rằng mình có biết các quan điểm trái ngược với mình.
 Nhấn mạnh vào luận điểm bản thân muốn thể hiện

Ví dụ:

Although playing video games is believed to have an adverse effect on the young, I would argue that with moderate usage, video games shall bring extremely positive outcomes to their users.
Mặc dù việc chơi trò chơi điện tử bị coi là mang đến những tác hại xấu cho giới trẻ, nhưng tôi muốn biện luận rằng nếu chơi điều độ, trò chơi điện tử sẽ mang đến những lợi ích to lớn cho người chơi.

Qua cách sử dụng “although”, người viết đã nêu được:

 Có biết và nắm được ý kiến “video games bad”
 Ủng hộ ý “video games good” trong bài
 Sẽ phát triển ý “video games good

Bài tập vận dụng

Chọn một trong các từ thích hợp sau để điền vào chỗ trống: although, in spite of, because, because of

  1. ________________ she is beautiful, everybody hates her.
  2. The children slept deeply ________________ the noise.
  3. ________________ earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents
  4. Jane rarely sees Alan ________________ they are neighbors.
  5. Kate did not do well in the exam ________________ working very hard.
  6. ________________ I was very hungry, I couldn’t eat.
  7. ________________ the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem.
  8. Liza never talked to him ________________ she loved him.
  9. ________________ it was cold, Marie didn’t put on her coat.
  10. Clare did the work ________________ being ill.
  11. ________________ the weather was bad, we had a good time.
  12. ________________ all our hard work, a lot of things went wrong.
  13. ________________ we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
  14. I went to hospital ________________ I was feeling very ill.
  15. I went to work the next day ________________ I was still feeling ill.
  16. She accepted the job ________________ the low salary.
  17. She refused the job ________________ the low salary.
  18. I managed to sleep ________________ the hotel was noisy.
  19. I could not get to sleep ________________ the noise.
  20. He runs fast ________________ his old age.

Đáp án

  1. Although
  2. in spite of
  3. In spite of
  4. Although
  5. In spite of
  6. Although
  7. In spite of
  8. Although
  9. Although
  10. In spite of
  11. Although
  12. In spite of
  13. Although
  14. Because
  15. Although
  16. In spite of
  17. Because of
  18. Although
  19. Because of
  20. In spite of

Bài tập ứng dụng cấu trúc Despite

1. …………….. she is beautiful, everybody hates her.

2. ……………..earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents

3. Anna did not do well in the exam …………….. working very hard.

4. Lisa never talked to him …………….. she loved him.

5. …………….. I was very hungry, I couldn’t eat.

6. …………….. it was cold, Marie didn’t put on her coat.

7. …………….. the weather was bad, we had a good time.

8. Hung did the work …………….. being ill.

9. She refused the job …………….. the low salary.

10. He runs fast …………….. his old age.

Đáp án:

1. Although

2. In spite of

3. In spite of

4. Although

5. Although

6. Although

7. Although

8. In spite of

9. Because of

10. In spite of

Bài tập áp dụng

ExerciseChoose the correct conjunction to finish the sentence.

1. My sister got the job _________ she didn’t expect to.


2. _________ I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.

 In spite of

3. Daniel forgot his passport _________ having it on his list.

 even though

4. _________ it was sunny, it was quite a cold day.


5. The goods were never delivered _________ the promise we had received.

 even though
 in spite of

6. Henry asked Claire to marry him _________ the fact that he’s a lot older than her.

 in spite of

Đáp án:

1. although
2. though
3. despite
4. although
5. in spite of
6. in spite of

Bài tập về although, despite, in spite of, though và even though

Bài tập 1: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

* Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1. _____ he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it.

A. as        B .though         C. since        D. despite

2. _____ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

A. In spite        B. In spite of        C. Despite        D. Although

3. _____, he walked to the station.

A. Despite being tired        B. Although to be tired

C. In spite being tired        D. Despite tired

4. _____ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.

A. Because         B. Even though         C. In spite of         D. Despite of

5. She left him _____she still loved him.

A. even if         B. even though         C. in spite of         D. despite

6. Last night we came to the show late _____ the traffic was terrible.

A. although         B. despite         C. and         D. because

7. _______there is a lot of noise in the city, I prefer living there.

A. despite         B. in spite of         C. because of         D. though

8. _______ the weather, we went sailing.

A. despite         B. in spite of         C. although         D. A and B

9. _______Hudson led early, he lost the race.

A. though         B. although         C. even though         D. all are correct

10. In spite of not speaking French, Mike decided to settle in Paris.

 A. Even though Mike didn’t speak French, but he decided to settle in Paris.

 B. Mike decided to settle in Paris despite he didn’t speak French.

 C. Mike decided to settle in Paris though the fact that not speaking French.

 D. Although Mike didn’t speak French; he decided to settle in Paris.

11. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting though he took a taxi.

 A. Even though taking a taxi, Mr. Ba was late for the meeting.

 B. In spite of taking a taxi, but Mr. Ba was late for the meeting.

 C. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting despite the fact he took a taxi.

 D. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting although having taken a taxi.

12. We came to the meeting on time though the traffic was heavy.

 A. Despite the traffic was heavy; we came to the meeting on time.

 B. In spite of the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

 C. Even though the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

 D. Although the traffic was heavy, but we came to the meeting on time.

13. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.

 A. Bill arrived late for the concert whether he took a taxi or not.

 B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.

 C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

 D. Bill took a taxi to the concert, but he couldn’t catch it.

14. Although she is rich, she can’t afford to buy the car.

 A. She doesn’t have enough money to buy the car she likes. 

 B. Rich as she is, she can’t afford to buy the car.

 C. The car is too expensive for her to buy. 

 D. She wants to buy the car but it costs a lot.

15. Although Sue felt tired, she stayed up late talking to Jill.

 A. Despite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

 B. In spite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

 C. Sue wouldn’t feel tired despite staying up late talking to Jill.

 D. Sue stayed up late talking to Jill. As a result, she was tired.

16. Even though Trung had a bad cold, he went to the concert.

 A. In spite of his bad cold, Trung went to the concert.

 B. Trung had a bad cold because he went to the concert.

 C. Trung went to the concert despite of having a bad cold.

 D. Trung had a bad cold. However, he went to the concert.

17. _____it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.

 A. In spite        B. In spite of        C. However        D. Although

18. _____he wasn’t feeling very well; Mr. Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.

 A. Although        B. However        C. Therefore        D. Still

19. He was offered the job______ his qualifications were poor.

 A. despite        B. in spite of        C. even though        D. Whereas

19. ______ we were in town, we often met him.

 A. For        B. Although        C. So        D. When

20. She didn’t get the job ____ she had all the necessary qualifications.

 A. because        B. although        C. so        D. but

21. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry.

 A. even though        B. in spite        C. despite        D. in spite the fact that

22. In spite _____, the baseball game was not cancelled.

 A. the rain        B. of the rain        C. it was raining        D. there was a rain

23. ______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

 A. In spite        B. In spite of        C. Despite        D. Although

24. ______, he walked to the station.

 A. Despite being tired        B. Although to be tired        C. In spite being tired        D. Despite tired

25. The children slept well, despite _____.

 A. it was noise         B. the noise         C. of the noise         D. noisy

26. She left him ______ she still loved him.

 A. even if         B. even though         C. in spite of         D. despite

27. _____ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.

 A. In spite         B. Even though         C. in spite of         D. despite of

28. _____ they are brothers, they do not look like.

 A. Although         B. Even         C. Despite         D. In spite of

Bài tập 2: Kết hợp các câu sử dụng: though, although, even though

* Combine these sentences using: though, although, even though

1. Lion dancing is very popular in Viet Nam. My friend Anny does not enjoy it.

2. Bob always walks to work. He is living in the city.

3. My house is near the beach. I rarely go swimming.

4. My brother is working in Ha Noi. He comes home on every public holiday.

5. Paul is an Australian, he enjoys Vietnamese New year.

6. Most children go to see the firework show, Linh and Mai stay home watching TV.

7. Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health.

8. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired.

9. Henry’s friend is a millionaire. He hates spending money.

10. We couldn’t get tickets. We queued for an hour.

Bài tập 3: Viết lại câu, bắt đầu với các từ gợi ý trong ngoặc

* Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in parentheses:

1. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean. (although)

2. They have a car, but they rarely use it. (though)

3. He was innocent, but he was sent to prison. (although)

4. He has a number of relatives living nearby, but he never visits them (even though)

5. She never takes any kind of exercise, but she is quite fit and healthy. (even though)

6. The keyboard wasn’t working well. She tried to finish the letter (although)

7. The forecast said it would rain. It turned out to be a beautiful day. (although)

8. I’m no better. I’ve taken the bill. (even though)

9. The traffic was bad. I arrived at the airport on time. (though)

10. I didn’t get the job. I had all necessary qualifications. (though)

11. We enjoyed the vacation. It rained a lot. (although)

12. She felt sick. She went to work. (though)

13. I was really tired. I couldn’t sleep. (even though)

14. He is very rich. He isn’t happy. (although)

15. She couldn’t answer the question. She is very intelligent. (though)

Bài tập 4: Viết lại các câu với các từ đã cho

* Rewrite the sentences with the word given.

1. Although he has a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.

 In spite of _________

2. Although I had never seen her before, I recognized her from a photograph.

 Despite _________

3. She wasn’t wearing the coat although it was quite cold.

 In spite of _________

4. We thought we’d better invite them to the party although we don’t like them very much.

 Despite _________

5. Although I didn’t speak the language, I managed to make myself understand.

 In spite of _________

6. Although the heat was on, the room wasn’t warm.

 Despite _________

7. I didn’t recognize her although I’d met her twice before.

 In spite of _________

8. We’re not very good friends although we’ve known each other a long time.

 Despite _________

9. Although Minh was ill, he still came to the meeting.

 In spite of _________

10. Although he promised that he wouldn’t be late, he didn’t arrive until 9 o’clock.

 Despite _________

11. Although the salary was low, he accepted the job.

 Despite _________

12. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.

 Though _________

13. In spite of the bad weather, they went out for dinner.

 Although _________

14. In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.

 Even though _________

15. In spite of his hard work, Ba he failed his exam.

 Though _________

16. In spite of the heavy rain, we decided to go to see the match.

 Although _________

17. Although they lost, the home team played very well.

 Despite _________

18. Even though it was raining, I still went to school on time.

 In spite of _________

19. Although she isn’t brilliant, she studies quite well.

 Despite _________

20. She isn’t brilliant but she studies quite well.

 Although _________

V. Đáp án Bài tập về although, despite, in spite of, though và even though

Bài tập 1: Chọn đáp án đúng hoàn thành câu.

* Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

 1. B .though

 2. D. Although

 3. A. Despite being tired 

 4. C. In spite of 

 5. B. even though 

 6. D. because

 7. D. though

 8. D. A and B

 9. D. all are correct

 10. D. Although Mike didn’t speak French; he decided to settle in Paris.

 11. C. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting despite the fact he took a taxi.

 12. B. In spite of the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

 13. C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

 14. B. Rich as she is, she can’t afford to buy the car.

 15. A. Despite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

 16. A. In spite of his bad cold, Trung went to the concert.

 17. D. Although

 18. A. Although

 19. C. even though

 20. B. although

 21. A. even though

 22. B. of the rain

 23. D. Although

 24. A. Despite being tired

 25. B. the noise

 26. B. even though

 27. C. in spite of

 28. A. Although

Bài tập 2: Kết hợp các câu sử dụng: though, although, even though

* Combine these sentences using: though, although, even though

1. Although Lion dancing is very popular in Viet Nam, my friend Anny does not enjoy it.

2. Bob always walks to work although he is living in the city.

3. Although My house is near the beach, I rarely go swimming.

4. Although My brother is working in Ha Noi, he comes home on every public holiday.

5. Although Paul is an Australian, he enjoys Vietnamese New year.

6 Although most children go to see the firework show, Linh and Mai stay home watching TV.

7. Although Nick used to smoke, he seems to be in good health.

8. I couldn’t sleep although I was tired.

9. Although Henry’s friend is a millionaire, he hates spending money.

10. We couldn’t get tickets although he queued for an hour.

Bài tập 3: Viết lại câu bắt đầu với các từ trong ngoặc

* Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in parentheses:

1. Although she has plenty of money, she is very mean.

2. Though they have a car, they rarely use it.

3. Although he was innocent, he was sent to prison.

4. Even though he has a number of relatives living nearby, he never visits them

5. Even though she never takes any kind of exercise, she is quite fit and healthy.

6. Although the keyboard wasn’t working well, she tried to finish the letter

7. The forecast said it would rain although it turned out to be a beautiful day.

8. I’m no better even though I’ve taken the bill.

9. The traffic was bad though I arrived at the airport on time.

10. I didn’t get the job though I had all necessary qualifications.

11. We enjoyed the vacation although it rained a lot.

12. Though she felt sick, she went to work.

13. Even though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep.

14. Although he is very rich, He isn’t happy.

15. She couldn’t answer the question though she is very intelligent.

Bài tập 4: Viết lại câu với các từ đã cho

* Rewrite the sentences with the word given.

1. In spite of having a very important job, he isn’t particularly well-paid.

2. Despite having never seen her before, I recognized her from a photograph.

3. In spite of the cold weather, she wasn’t wearing the coat.

4. Despite not liking them very much, we thought we’d better invite them to the party.

5. In spite of not speaking the language, I managed to make myself understand.

6. Despite the heat, the room wasn’t warm.

7. In spite of having met her twice before, I didn’t recognize her.

8. Despite having known each other a long time, we’re not very good friends.

9. In spite of Minh’s illness, he still came to the meeting.

10. Despite promising that he wouldn’t be late, he didn’t arrive until 9 o’clock.

11. Despite the low salary, he accepted the job.

12. Though they often quarrel, they remain the best of friends.

13. Although the weather was bad, they went out for dinner.

14. Even though he is old, he still leads an active life.

15. Though Ba worked hard, he failed the exam.

16. Although it rained heavily, we decided to go to see the match.

17. Despite their losing, the home team played very well.

18. In spite of the rain, I still went to school on time.

19. Despite being brilliant, she studies quite well.

20. Although not being brilliant, she studies quite well.

Bài tập ứng dụng cấu trúc Despite

Bài 1: Điền liên từ thích hợp 

  1. …………….. she is kind, some classmates don’t like her.
  2. …………….. having many friends, Sara prefers to travel alone. 
  3. Lena did not get a good grade…………….. her hard work.
  4. My best friend never talks to that guy …………….. she likes him.
  5. …………….. being starving, I couldn’t eat anything.
  6. …………….. it snowed, the football match still took place.
  7. …………….. the trip made us tired, we had a good time.
  8. Jack finished his homework …………….. his illness.

Đáp án:

  1. Although/ Though/ Even though
  2. Despite/ In spite of
  3. Despite/ In spite of
  4. Although/ Though/ Even though
  5. Despite/ In spite of
  6. Although/ Though/ Even though
  7. Although/ Though/ Even though
  8. Despite/ In spite of

Bài 2: Dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Anh 

  1. Cô ấy từ chối công việc dù mức lương khá cao.
  2. Vận động viên này chạy nhanh mặc cho độ tuổi của anh ấy. 
  3. Mặc dù bố mẹ sẽ không cho phép nhưng anh ta vẫn ra ngoài với bạn.
  4. Chiếc váy đẹp nhưng cô ấy không mua thì muốn tiết kiệm. 
  5. Người sếp than phiền rất nhiều nhưng anh ấy vẫn luôn cố gắng. 
  6. Quần áo vừa giặt nhưng không sạch lắm. 
  7. Máy tính vừa mua nhưng nó đã bị hỏng. 
  8. Tôi vẫn đi xe bus dù cho nó không tiện lắm. 

Đáp án tham khảo:

  1. She refused the job despite the high salary.
  2. He runs fast in spite of his old age.
  3. Although your parents won’t let him, he still goes out with you.
  4. In spite of the beautiful shirt, she didn’t buy it because she ran out of money
  5. The boss complains a lot, he is still trying though.
  6. The clothes have just been washed, they are not clean though.
  7. Despite being bought recently, the laptop crashed. 
  8. I still go by bus even though it isn’t convenient. 

Bài tập luyện tập

Để ghi nhớ ngay những kiến thức vừa học, và hiểu sâu hơn về cách ứng dụng cấu trúc vào bài tập, bạn hãy thử sức với những bài tập dưới đây nhé!

Ex.1. Viết lại câu với DESPITE.

  1. Even though he usually tells lies, many people believe him.
  2. Although Lan is a poor student, she studies very well.
  3. Although she was out of money, she went shopping
  4. Even though he stayed up late to finish his report last night, he gets up early to do morning exercises today.
  5. Although the weather was bad, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Answer key:

  1. Despite the fact that he usually tells lies, many people believe him.
  2. Despite being a poor student, Lan studies very well.
  3. Despite being out of money, she went shopping.
  4. Despite staying up late to finish his report last night, he gets up early to do morning exercises today.
  5. Despite the bad weather, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Ex.2. Viết lại câu với ALTHOUGH.

  1. Despite the fact that he got bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.
  2. In spite of their poverty, they are very generous.
  3. Despite trying many times, she hasn’t given up
  4. In spite of missing the bus, we went to school on time.
  5. Despite the fire, firefighter went into the house to save the baby.

Answer key:

  1. Although he got bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.
  2. Although they are poor, they are very generous.
  3. Although she has tried many times, she hasn’t given up.
  4. Although we missed the bus, we went to school on time.
  5. Although the fire was burning, firefighter went into the house to save the baby.

Ex.3. Gộp câu với DESPITE.

  1. She is intelligent and beautiful. She isn’t confident of herself.
  2. He hasn’t kept his promise many times. She still believes him.
  3. Most children like seeing the firework show. His son doesn’t like that.
  4. We spent more than 2 hours to discuss. We couldn’t make a decision with full agreement.
  5. He has a lot of experience in machinery. He couldn’t repair the machine in our office.

Answer key:

  1. Despite being intelligent and beautiful, she isn’t confident of herself.
  2. Despite the fact that he hasn’t kept his promise many times, she still believes him.
  3. Despite the fact that most children like seeing the firework show, his son doesn’t like that.
  4. Despite two hours of discussion, we couldn’t make a decision with full agreement.
  5. Despite his experience in machinery, he couldn’t repair the machine in our office.

Giáo dục

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Chuyên mục: Tổng hợp